Friday, August 2, 2013

Where Dust 514 Went Wrong [part 1]

As the numbers of active Dust players continue to fall many will notice our blog has shifted into what can be done to improve the game. Why? In hopes that the issues preventing player retention and game growth can be resolved. Telling the stories of New Eden is nice, but is useless with the game still badly in need of better gameplay and more variety of experience. We cant in good conscience write about the dominant forces in Planetary Conquest when so many core aspects of the game are still broken or missing. We've seen the effects of this honesty take shape. Our last interview request [which we made over a month ago] with CCP has still gone unanswered. A CCP Dev has even blocked us on Twitter. We're unmoved however, while legions of 'yes men' may line up to tell CCP 'good job' by refusing to ask the hard questions, we have consistently criticized the poorer aspects of this game, which to date has been universally rejected by not only gaming media but also casual, hardcore and EVE players.

Anyone who is telling you 'everything is alright' is lying.There has always been a vocal troll element wishing for Dust to fail for one reason or another, that group has a twin that sings CCPs praises regardless of missteps. There has also been a reasonable group of gamers that want to see the game succeed but are willing to be critics when necessary, we consider ourselves part of the latter and we feel this group is critical to providing balance.

Time is of the essence because not only is the playerbase shrinking but newer shooters are on the horizon. A new console will be here shortly, Dust can quickly become non relevant and a complete afterthought. Its tiny playerbase cannot survive a major exodus. For this reason our goal here has always been to spur the progress of Dust from afar and ask the hard questions when necessary. Not to try and get a job at CCP. And ask yourself, can you really trust a community voice preoccupied with staying in CCPs good graces and befriending devs they want to work with instead of telling them where they went horribly wrong? We respect the developers craft and dont claim to know remotely as much as they do regarding coding and the massive text files that make up the games we love, but what we can do is effectively tell them the aspects that dont translate well into gameplay and where their math is inconsistent. But lets be clear, many of the things we discuss below have the benefit of hindsight. For example, we were big supporters of the differences in gear and skills like sharpshooter, but the fact is they were mistakes and translated horribly into gameplay. Our list of where CCP went wrong starts with the decision not to delay the game:

Early Beta - This may ruffle a few feathers but it needs to be said. The Uprising build should have been players first experience with Dust. Now we're not saying that there weren't issues and complaints with that particular build but we're talking about the graphic quality, framerate and base mechanics. The main point here is simple: The first versions of Dust that players were given access to were so breathtakingly bad and bug filled that they turned countless players away forever. Now does this mean beta access should have been delayed? Yes and this would have been more than acceptable. While players will whine and complain about delays, if they are interested they will remain so when the game finally releases. Many players saw something that resembled a PSOne game, saw no way it could ever be good, and deleted it immediately. Dust was announced on 8.18.09, was the first beta really the best product they could deliver after 3 years of development? If Dust is to become a PS4 title it cannot make the same mistake, it must not be released into closed beta or shown before it is capable of competing with or surpassing what contemporary shooters are offering.

Health - Protostomping is possible because of one reason. Because the health of high sp players makes them extremely difficult to kill and the opposite is true for low sp players. This post by new player Hyperthraz echoes the issue that new players have with the consequences of the health gap One of the defining characteristics of bad and good shooters [and most frustrating aspects for shooters in general] is shooting an enemy multiple times only to have them turn around and one-shot kill you in return. Sadly, this is at the core of how Dusts health gap translates. We won't mislead you, we initially thought this was a good separator as well, but now its evident that this is at the core of why so many players fail to stay with Dust. Because they can't compete for an extended period. Most shooter fans simply wont grind for 60-90 days just to be able to compete with higher level players. We realize this level of separation is at the heart of many MMOs but its alien to the shooter culture. The benefit of hindsight also tells us there is a better alternative. Dust did a great job separating some weapons and the same should have been done with gear and health. BF3 is widely considered the best shooter of our age. It has great hit detection, weapon variety, great movement and a great engine. It takes roughly 1-5 shots to kill any infantry in the game regardless of their skill level. This provides a number of benefits that makes the game noob friendly while still rewarding skill. Dust could separate weapons by sight type, zoom, number of attachments, clip size, overheat & jam frequency, rof, recoil, spread and strafe speed allowed and still be a game that rewards high level gear. An advanced assault rifle with 60 rounds that has two customization slots [a red dot sight and a stabilizer] has a decided advantage over a STD AR with iron sights and 40 rounds, but in the subtle way that still rewards player skill instead of providing a unprecedented advantage to the player with better gear.

The same is true for protection. Provide subtle advantages over lower level players instead of a huge resistance gap. Shield and armor values should follow a similar trend, similar values as militia tier but reward advanced and proto levels with higher repair & recharge rates and lower movement penalties for better armor. This wont make higher level players Godlike but will still provide them with distinct advantages like recovering from damage faster, rather than the ability to soak up four times as much punishment as a new player.

Game Modes - We wish we could have a long talk with the person responsible for deciding that a game tied to one of the most content heavy MMOs in gaming could survive with a single very dull game mode and a variation of this mode. We refuse to even recognize Ambush [which is another name for deathmatch] as a mode. With a game with as much lore as EVE, the variety of experience in Dust is embarrassing. Dust should have the most unique, creative and numerous game modes in FPS but stumbles along with Skirmish and Domination? This is totally unacceptable as there have been wonderful gamemode suggestions for over a year with zero implementation. Even people who are fans of what Dust is trying to accomplish cant be expected to continue playing without any variety of their experiences. Many have left the game as a result, and trying to win fans back is much harder than doing the things that keep them around to begin with.

 As always, we'll continue to attempt to help push and publish ideas that help establish, enhance and grow the Dust 514 community as much as we can. Have any ideas that need sharing? Would you like to join our staff as a writer? Be sure to contact us at Part 2 of this series will be released early next week.


  1. totally agree. youre on the clock CCP. get ur act together.

  2. All pretty much rings true, the last point especially. Skirmish is godawful and would reek of a closed beta placeholder if it weren't for the fact it's persisted through to release.

    Spawning on top of objectives, really? The objectives are also neutral ground, shared... this splits the focus of the map into 4 or 5 different areas and the focus of players into attacking -and- defending. With 16 a side it doesn't really work. With any numbers it'd still be a mess, frankly. Back to being able to spawn on objectives, this puts the focus on continual roving aggression, the death-blob. Those who fall can immediately re-allocate at high speed to defend a threatened objective. It cheapens death, hell, it incentivizes it almost.

    Add to this that the same lack of focus has segregated the infantry and vehicle game. HAVs excel at being part of a combined arms push on an objective... a strength that is largely uncalled for due to the lack of focus in Skirmish. There is no central objective to push for, for either team to rally around in defence or siege of. They would operate brilliantly as part of a push by keeping enemy heads down while infantry advance or, on the other defence, as a rock for such pushes to break themselves against. There is no primary objective to defend or take though so that aspect of HAVs is moot, they're demoted to slayers, the only important role in Dust right now.

    Same with Dropships. There's no real frontline to drop a strike team behind or a strategic objective important enough to be worth hotdropping on. Relevance, almost zero.

    Skirmish lacks strategy, focus and is just incredibly dull... worryingly there have been no signs that CCP thinks there's anything wrong with it. We've been stuck with it, -practically unchanged-, for almost a year.

  3. Dust is a failure end of story good day folks.

  4. The health gap sux but 5 shots to kill a heavy? How can that be fair?

    1. We werent clear in that we wanted to see1-5 shots kill the average soldier. [scouts, logis and assaults] giving the scouts 100 health, logis about 120 and assaults 150. The heavy has to have about 3x what the assault has but its the class devs have to be the most careful with. it can break the game. it must be slow, have slow turnspeed, no equipment and limited range.

  5. I think this is a good article but there are some points that are totally overlooked.

    The health gap is totally understandable...If you are playing Dust as a lone wolf,or like it's any other shooter.I think one of the biggest issues is that people are still too stupid to understand that no matter the health,it's always better to have more that one guy shooting at an enemy.Four basic fits should have no problem taking out a proto heavy if the four focus their fire.

    This actually goes into a bigger problem that is overlooked,and that's the grouping system,the chat system,the leadership system,and the matchmaking system.If these things were done better in regards to making the game more tactical,the health issue would be less of a problem to most people.MAG had THE best command and in match chat system,and it makes no sense that CCP didn't copy it,considering how much thing game was supposed to cater to the MAG crowd.

    The other point about game modes is a good one,but still doesn't address the issues of fighting on the same stale maps with a couple of things just shuffled around.We could be fighting Skirmishes all day and night long and no one would give a shit,if we were given the promise of 3000+ maps with temperate planets.Hell,at this point,give me 10-15 different maps that I'd be happy!Every skirm would feel fresh with that much variety in environments.That being said,it's totally unconscionable that CCP hasn't brought back the Skirmish 1.0 map to at least throw us a bone.

    At the end of the day,CCP has probably bitten off way more than they can chew,especially for a company that's never made a shooter.They really need to regroup,and most importantly,tell it's fanbase EXACTLY what's going on,because many people,myself included,have moved on,some of which will never come back.I'll be back when there's something worth coming back for(new weapons,dropsuits,maps,game modes,ect),but there's no way I'm wasting anymore time on thing game in the state that it's in,especially since I've just upgraded my PC and can play much better games on it.

  6. You don't release unfinished shit to the console market and expect people wait to get your shit together. There are better studios out ther that have their shit together in the fps market.

  7. The whole thing was one massive blunder.

    It's one thing to aim at a different market, an entirely other to do an unbelievably terrible job aiming at a market that is traditionally unforgiving as fuck. Console Shooters players don't give a shit if your game is bad because there'll be at minimum 5+ more shooters coming within the year they will play instead. Every year. Failing to knock it out of the park and limp on by may work for a PC MMO style game but it simply won't do in an audience completely saturated with high quality options.

    They really should cut their losses or try to aim for a PC port essentially falling back on their existing customer base. There's simply no good routes they have to go down with being limited to Playstation, especially with big FPS titles that are also Free to Play (such as Planetside 2) coming to the PS4.

  8. I think one of the main problems with the game is Tranquility. Think of the server's power as a glass of water with two straws. Both Eve and Dust are drinking from the same cup, but Eve is drawing the lion's share of water. Because of this, Dust is drying up. There needs to be ideally 3 servers to run both games, one for EVE, one for Dust, and a third used as the bridge. A battle server if you will, that handles all of the Eve/Dust interactions(i.e:PC,FW,a player market,etc,etc).

    Another problem(a big one IMO)is the attitude of CCP. They need to stop treating this as a free to play for the time being. I believe if they devote AAA resources to Dust now and scale it back after all core content is out, the player count would go through the roof. I think they forget that this is not EVE. There is nothing keeping the playerbase here. No sub fees means we can leave at any time and never look back. But I am going to stick it out, whatever end will come. I have invested the last 8 months in an unfinished game. And to an FPS player,that's a lifetime.

    I just hope my dedication is worth something to CCP.

    1. Great points, most conversations regarding Dust havent gone anywhere near the one server issue.

  9. Game was way over hyped

    It was never gonna be ''gods gift'' to gaming like a lot of people were hyping it up to be

    1. If the game was "overhyped",it was only from a small group(relative to the actual size of the whole gaming community)of us.

      Most people that I know,only had slight interest in the game,and only a few of them actually played more than a couple of hours before going back to their old reliable games,what ever they may be.

  10. I still remember people saying Dust would revolutionize FPS gaming LMFAO

    1. The odd thing is,it should have!

      Unfortunately for all of us,CCP's inexperience in making a shooter is THE main reason that is won't.

      In hindsight,this game would have been better served if CCP would have handed off all of the game play elements to a much more competent studio that actually knows how to make a solid shooter.I know that most people will start shouting "DICE",but that's just unrealistic,with all things considered.Shit,I know that they pick up some people from Zipper,but maybe they should have just picked up damn near everyone that was there(with the exception of Scott Rudi,fuck that dude).
