Friday, September 3, 2010

The Truth about the Breakup of Valor Elite

Our first Editiorial Piece is courtesy of AutumnWindz. As a Forum regular and charter member of Valor Elite, he felt it necessary not only to eulogize but to help people understand the history behind VE--Valor's FIRST flagship clan, he talks about VE's Birth, challenges, accomplishments, and finally, their demise.

"VE never had big egos or a spokesman talking it up anywhere, there was no trash talk coming from VE, and there were no forum sigs for VE, but VE was a great clan and I feel it was overlooked sometimes while it existed, it never got the kind of recognition that its greatness deserved. So here's VE, from my eyes, as an officer and original Valor Beta Vet."


In the betas, Valor had two major clans running things, The New Era =+= and Elements of Death EOD. Both clans regularly fielded enough players to fill half a platoon or more, and Valor's reputation for dominating in Domination was in large part thanks to the large-scale organization that clans like this provided, something that Raven and SVER at that time could not compete with.

With the retail release, =+= went to SVER first for the trophies and stayed there just long enough to realize that Zipper was patching the game into oblivion, and thus The New Era effectively ended as a force on MAG as most of their members left MAG before even coming back to Valor. What that left was EOD on Valor as the only remaining organized, powerhouse clan from the betas. I myself was in a clan, called W-H, with BattleCry1791. We were small, but we were elite, and we regularly won 90% of our games in all game modes, including various wins on Domination that would not have happened without us. After a while, EOD and W-H merged. What happened there was that, a month or so into the retail release, we had effectively created the first super-clan in MAG, regularly filling 3 squads in games with many of the best players in Valor. This was the birth of VE, sometime in early March or so.

Valor = VE

For about two to three months (March - May), VE was genuinely the best clan on Valor. This was before GUN or ARx came around, and before Up$ had built its name up. When great players from other factions came to Valor, VE was the place to be. When randoms needed a good clan, VE was it. We were picking up new members every day, and out of those there were quite a few straight-up killers that boosted our profile that much more. Quite a few ARx and GUN members today are former VE players. At VE's peak, we had the top Valor and 3rd overall player in the world (BattleCry), 7 top 100 players (including myself), and around 20 top 1000 players.

Valor is still pretty organized in terms of clans, and in my opinion Valor has always had the most win-hungry players and the most team-oriented players. VE epitomized this, and then threw in a dozen or so 3.0 KDR type killers who shared the team mentality. In my opinion, there is no other large clan now apart from TDF that can say this, and that is what made VE the best clan in Valor at the time. We rarely lost, there was an entire month where I was holding a monthly win-ratio of around 95%, and set records of an attacking win in Sabotage with 18:17 on the clock, as well as over 60 wins on Acquisition weekend, with 22 straight wins at one point.

But then one of the leaders, Harbie, former longtime leader of EOD, decided to retire from gaming immediately. He was the one that had been organizing things such as weekly practice meets, setting up the website, and putting together tactical squads in preparation for clan wars. Another leader, BattleCry's PS3 died, and VE began to crumble from within. The weekly practice meets went by the wayside, and players began leaving. In VE's early days VE won many more than it lost against almost all other clans, but by June and July when it was more common to run into other clans (due to lower player counts), VE was already a mere shadow of its former self, and in late July VE officially disbanded.

Most VE people have floated off into the winds, some found other clans in Valor, some of our best guys left MAG forever and the rest of us, after 400-1000 hours each on Valor, have moved to Raven for some less stressful MAG time (check us out at PinkFluffyBunny [ :) ]). It’s sad when you think back on it, how it didn’t last longer and how Valor actually really needs a super clan like that right now. This is not to say that Valor's current top clans aren't good, but I don't think any of them could regularly field 2-3 full squads and roll every game mode, especially Domination, like we used to.
VE may not have had the best group of straight beast killers like some more recent clans have done, but when you put 8-10 beast killers with 10-15 more above-average team players in one platoon, and then have them all share the same goal of winning together, that is the most powerful thing in MAG and VE accomplished it.

Here's to one of the less-talked about 'best' clans that MAG has seen, Valor Elite_ [VE], and all the members that made it happen and made it worth writing about.

Being Valor's Flagship Clan: 
Valor's flagship clan? I know a lot of people now would take offense to VE being known as the flagship clan, but... we definitely were THE Valor clan for awhile as I stated earlier. Back then, only (and I mean only) 3C and TDF put up really good fights against us regularly. However VE merely exists as a memory now. Those of us currently on Raven definitely liked Valor, I mean most of us spent at least 400+ hours on Valor, but in the end MAG is a video game, and the Valor portion of the game had seriously burnt us out. If MAG was real life and Valor was for real, VE would have been the elite operations group, and VE breaking up would be like if we all decided to retire home to our families before fighting so hard for Valor took us away once and for all... instead, MAG is a video game and VE disbanded, and some of us went to Raven.

Why VE wasn't high-profile:
I've always felt that VE didn't get the kind of recognition it deserved because we literally had no big talkers, no forum-trolls, no shiny clan sigs, no stat-padders, but VE was the best clan Valor had. So this has all been our side of the story. Basically, if/when we ever go back to Valor, there will be no VE either. Valor's flagship clan used to be VE, but there are other clans on Valor now.

Why VE Disbanded:
This may not be the 'edgiest' thing you've heard, but it also isn't quite what you'd expect. It wasn't the leadership, it wasn't the members of VE, and it certainly wasn't any external enemy. There were rarely any disagreements, we won more than enough to keep anyone from rage-quitting, and members who were kicked were all newcomers who weren't following the "VE way" (tm). At VE's core was a fiery drive to win all games for Valor.

It was Valor's fault that VE dissolved.

Valor PMC killed Valor Elite as a clan, and it killed many of its greatest players. VE regularly carried entire platoons to victory in Sabotage games, we always split our forces and saved the other side in Acquisition, and we split our power between all four platoons in Domination, with just one or two of our members each holding down one letter, spread around ALL 8 letters sometimes. Each of our members were carrying on their backs up to an entire other squad of randoms in Valor games in order to get the win, and while we had plenty of members that were more than capable of doing so, as you can imagine, it got incredibly tiring and frustrating after hundreds of hours. VE was made up of some of the most hardcore Valor vets around (including myself), and the fact that we had to do literally everything to get close to a win really burnt us out as a clan, and burnt our players out regularly. Many players left over time to go to other factions or join clans that were less serious about winning on Valor, and yet others (some of our greatest players) just up and stopped playing MAG at all. Valor burned our players, and eventually burned VE to the ground as well.

Think about this - I had never vetted in over 400 hours and spent all that time on Valor because for me, MAG = Valor. My first and only vet so far has been once to Raven.

Basically, the leadership couldn't have held it together even if we tried. A lot of our remaining players still do play together - just not on Valor and just not as VE. VE was a great thing but it was perhaps too great and achieved so much, because it demanded too much out of itself and its players.

Expelling Members:
I don't remember who exactly was kicked out of VE, but one was kicked for camp sniping at the spawn while we needed direct help at objective A in Sabo (we were assigned to B, but helping A out as usual) and another was kicked for always asking for officer positions even though there were others far more deserving. There were more who were kicked, lol.

Valor has the most fun maps to defend and attack, on all game modes, hands down. Their weapons are fun to use as well. Their look isn't weird like Raven or stupid like SVER. Valor never had overpowered maps like SVER, and Valor's play-style isn't stab-happy hide-in-the-bushes like Raven, so I still prefer Valor's straight-up shoot me or I shoot you kind of feel. I think a lot of us still like Valor alot, it's just that Valor was really abusive as a PMC while we were there and for me at least, I'm probably on Raven to stay for quite a while. It was really dedicated work to achieve the 83% win rate I had on Valor, which is something I think even most serious Valor clans now can't hold in the long-term.

Valor's Clans:
Speaking of Valor, I think all of Valor's current good clans are pretty good. Specific mention goes to GUN because we used to play with their core players a lot and they are great guys, ARx because they're organized and have a few of our ex-members, and Up$ because despite what people think of them, they're solid and PDIGGY is actually pretty laid back and a good teammate as well. The top clans have some great players and organization for sure. KEQ is great as well. But I do feel that they all lack the sort of golden combination of numbers, skill, teamwork, and dedication that VE had. You need lots of players, but you also need high overall skill, good leadership, and you have to be super determined to pull off wins on Valor even if it means your KDR gets wrecked. I still don't think there are any clans on Valor that have over 80% win rates in all game modes overall. And that is no disrespect, playing on Valor is the hardest... but VE gave me an 83% win rate that would put me at top 10 on Valor currently.

On Raven:
We've made a lot of friends on Raven in our short two weeks here so far, including TDF, whom I have immense respect for as a clan, and we've picked up a few great additions to our group of regular players. And at least Raven isn't SVER.

Blog Extra: This is easily one of our best and most informative pieces and we hope that Zipper is reading this. Valor PMC is essentially the majority of MAG's newer players and their ineptness is an indictment of your total lack of a true training mode (as people like Stylie77 and Thagmor have addressed repeatedly) This ignorance on how the game is meant to be played is a microcosm of what goes on in the game in general. MAG is a game with a bit of a learning curve when you compare it to current FPS's. To not include a mode that goes in-depth, is mandatory and explains MAG to newer players makes the game noob-unfriendly and frustrating for MAG Veterans.

Fun facts about VE
Everyone was required to have full rez on all loadouts. This was agreed on as a founding principle by the original co-leaders.
Everyone was required to have a mic and use it, especially in leadership positions.

At its peak, VE had ~50 members
VE had 2 leaders (co-led) and 4 officers
Players who failed to play as a team in a game could be kicked, and at least two were indeed kicked

CTM, the old clan of NbkxWarrior, Young_Godz, and Ace_Skillz, was originally supposed to merge in with VE as well. (Props to them for making GUN afterwards though, good clan)
VE always had an opening for a good assault sniper, but that was never filled.


  1. !?!...i hope zipper's reading.

  2. Wow what an ego you have built up in this piece tbh

  3. I remember playing with you, Autmnwindz, back when I was just another Valor noob. I had just joined my first clan and we did a super group with about 7 clans total.

  4. Great read.
    although VE didn't have sigs their members were known on the forums, Battlecry Autumnwindz and especially Thagmor.

    much respect to VE

  5. Sadly, the clans who remained on Valor out of loyalty are taking the heavy hits also, much like VE had to hold before, and although you are right, Valor often gets us frustrated and angry, this is the home for many of us, we just hope we can keep Valor winning just a little more until help comes.

    FBR - Karu Kun

  6. to the 3rd post, who are you? All it says here is 'anonymous', would like to know which player you were :)

    PowerExtreme, thanks, and thanks!

    Everyone else, thanks for the comments!

  7. I made the 3rd comment, Bartalbee001. At the time I was a level 30 player and just joined SOTG. It was my first clan experiance. I was in a group with Ace_skillz when we grouped with you into a 7 clan super group. I think we had at least 2 platoon worth of players. We deployed into Domination attacking SVER and I was in your squad with BattleCry. That was my 1st experiance playing Domo and was completely overwhelmed. I remember BattleCry, and you becuase you guys were running advanced tactics. Hit me up on Raven if you ever want to play together again.

  8. Oh yeah, I remember that. Those were some great times, we had more than an entire platoon's worth in Domination, we actually had a platoon and a half... lol... and we rolled SVER's Domination like no other :)

    and haha I'm 'raw' ... I think I know who said that :P

  9. Hey do you remember when 3C duck hunted VE? :]

    A few of you guys got purple hearts.. A lot backed out. And most of you QQ'd. Good times.

  10. At the above post,

    That was a match where there were FIVE VE members, one VE trainee, and I joined with 3 minutes left. On the other hand, 3C had 8, R*S had 10, and some other SVER clan had 6... for a total of 24 grouped up SVER against 7 VE. None of us backed out. We kick members that ragequit, no exceptions, no kidding.

    Right after that, we queued up again and beat SVER on the same map in 9 minutes against a group of 6 3C and 8 R*S while we had only 6 VE.

    And like I already said, that was just before VE fell apart, like a few days later VE disbanded... so the fact that we went 1-1 in wins that night with a very weak VE lineup says something. :)

  11. Uhh no.. That is truly bullshit.. Sorry. Five VE members.. Lol no. No no no no... Think what you want but thats not how it went down. VE is kind of bad. I actually am I old VE member and I use to out class all of you guys in every game.. Only a few times did you ever do better then me. And I was a AR user. Anyways, the whole point is 3C>>>>>>>>VE

  12. rofl. You DocJokin or something? If so... you were in VE for maybe 3 days. The only other 3C guy we had was lNull, and I really doubt he would come on here talking shit when lNull was a great guy for the entire time with us and since he doesn't even play MAG anymore. Unless you're failsafe666, in which case haha you're a clan/faction hopper that no one wants.

    I think I covered everyone there...

    I dunno what you're on here talking shit about, I never said anything about 3C other than 3C is good. There is no comparison because I'm talking about VALOR'S former top clan, NOT 3C.

    But yeah, you got your facts a bit skewed. It was 5 VE members, 1 VE trainee, and then I got on with 3 minutes left when I heard it was a SVER supergroup. Sure we lost that first game pretty bad, but we re-queued right after that and won. CoppaTop got the top kills in the 2nd game (he was in his new DST clan though I'm pretty sure) but we got the win at 9 minutes, no doubt about it.

    That doesn't mean anything, it just means we went 1 win 1 loss against 3C and other SVER clans that night, they were good games and I even said GG to some people afterwards, so I really don't know why you gotta sit here talking crap on a post where I'm talking about the history of VE, a great clan that others had no problems with.

  13. Lol.. No.. Just no dude. Sorry.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Lol.. No.. Just no dude. Sorry.
    September 4, 2010 7:22 PM

    Yeah you're just pulling crap outta your ass then. There weren't any other 3C members that joined us and the fact that you keep posting using 'anonymous' confirms that you're lying.

    Just no dude. Sorry.

  15. No dude. Your wrong again.. I also had a question that I never found a good time to ask. Is something mentally wrong with you? Over the mic you sound like you have the downs.

  16. lol that's a first. Don't think I've ever heard that from anyone else in my life so rofl, guess you're still making things up. Making petty personal insults up now - getting a little desperate?

    Guess it just shows who/what you are, talking shit under an anonymous name, making shit up... yeah good job, you sure showed me hahaha

  17. I thought that would make you laugh. :D


  18. I see there is still a great group of capable players in the current Raven clan Pink Fluffy Bunnies though the crap that was done by them in intentionally TKing another Raven clan and blue dots in path on a number of Domination games was well just plain stupid to say the least. This so called act was just as bad or even worse then those idiots who ties to sabotage a ..well Sabotage game by intentionally killing guys in spawn at start. On top of that it is said you guys even kicked at least one longtime member for not agreeing to going along with that crap at time when I hear others (including more current) members were against the act or were not kicked for not TKing in game either. If you were going to kick one, then you might as well have kicked the others for same reason.

    I do believe most to probably all Good (as in capable and ethical etc) clans (you guys barely count because of TKing) on Raven/Valor and even S.V.E.R are against TKing on purpose (especially anything that disrupts the game) and only do so in self-defence mainly. So for you to kick or blackmail members who are not willing to be a d-bag when asked, well then you guys really need to change your attitude and think of the good for the whole clan and how people see you guys. Remember that your negative actions may be remembered for much longer then any of your good actions as a clan PFB or as a individual player. In fact I have heard of or know at least 3-4 large Raven clans (not including A&D in count) that may not want you guys (well at least the PFB leaders in particular) if you guys were ever considering merging due to the pretty recent clan TKing actions as is evidence on MAG forums.

    PFB may have some really good former VE players left like AutumnWindz, BattleCry1791, inhuman21, JamesR5955 (< a extremely good CoD player) and are very capable in getting the job done like VE did from what I have seen in past. However the recent poor negative actions just have you guys now having to dig yourselves out of hole in proving yourself in being a clan that Ravens are glad to have on the Platoon in Raven Domination versus players thinking you guys may instead be there disrupting the Dom match with TKing. I dunno maybe you guys could even start a new clan name to help over come that negativity much faster, but something tells me the name will stay.

    A shame really as the current PFB is still almost made up former VE members if i recall which was a terrific Valor clan to have around on Valor back then in a match on any mode and Pink Fluffy Bunnies is now barely a worthy clan to now be a part of, especially if again you leaders still think TKing another clan or players in another squad is still the smartest thing to do. I played with the one kicked member (that I know of) several times times now (yet to even accept clan invites) and he was well both disappointed on being kicked with no communication ever happened and still yet to happen last I heard (though discussion of this mostly happened in first couple matches) and yet was still defending you guys and even wanted to play with you guys again still, when I would have instead been like "Screw them". He was rather disappointed that you resorted to such dirty actions in the ploy that it was supporting the clan when all he and others wanted to do was to just play the game and be known as a serious clan to play with or against and not as a clan that may resort to TKing another clan in some matches. I agreed with him as I would have been very against the intentional clan TKing also and perhaps even would have saved you the trouble and left before you even considered kicking me regardless if I played with you already for hundreds of hours or only 10 hours. You may wonder who it is but I assure you it is not the one you may think it is as I do not want to say my MAG name as I do not want you guys targeting me and or my clan like you did with A&D.

  19. lol @ the above post

    Jameszilla. Sorry, you're too much of a camper that only cares about his own stats. You can hide behind the internet and talk trash just like you hide behind walls to protect your KDR while your teammates are storming the objectives, and we have heard about the crap you sent to TDF... they came to us and asked about it, and we're still good friends :)

    There's a reason Battle and I never invited you into our old clan on Valor, and you only got into VE because VE was a huge clan that could handle having one or two camping selfish players that weren't totally useless, but you hardly even ever used your mic for useful things... and you were never in the objective or anywhere near it.

    So seriously. Stop trying to make things up, you're the only one that doesn't get it, a clan is a clan and if you can't cover the backs of your clanmates no matter what the situation, then you don't get to play with the clan. And let's not forget that we didn't actually start the whole thing, yet your first wish is to play with the red dots and go off frago-whoring at the burnoff while others are teamkilling your clanmates, yeah you're too selfish man, you don't see anything from any perspective other than your own. Maybe there are other players and clans that tolerate such, but we never did.

  20. As an added note, Jameszilla was even so selfish that he rarely ever dropped outta supergroups so we could invite more people, always made others drop out, lol how more selfish can you get in a video game?

  21. So the TKing and blackmailing did not ever happen in first place and still does not continue to happen right well I do know that you continued to do this TKing crap on A&D in game. Sorry but I agree that intentionally TKing another clan (even after after settling it somewhat) that will not even TK you back now and you disrupt the whole Platoon as a result, is not supporting a respectable clan, it is supporting a clan of TKers at best.

    I did cover your backs tons (much more then some of the other clan mates did sometimes), just that intentional TKing like this is one of the worst things you can do on MAG and many a serious MAG players condone intentional TKing in general even compared to this act. I guess you and Battle do not care that you could by chance get banned or stats reset for doing that if you continue.

    I was also much more positive about the clan when you were pretty negative and still are it seems. A shame really.

    Wow in end you really thought that I never rally went into or held objectives, never covered anybody's back while taking a bunker, never went out of my way to resuscitate, was a frago whore (when often times the objective was only frago'd by the SL near it) and I and others were elsewhere maybe, like opposite letter. I was sometimes trying to hold other cooloff or Letter while you guys holding down the fragooed one on Dom, if anything you guys were frago whoring in that case.

    Just because one game I and others did not want to join in on TKing I have lost perspective... riiiight.

    I think it is really You that has lost perspective on what a respectable clan really is now. Again if you do not see that that then there is the problem.

    I see that you were even too chicken to join that Valor Beta clan I am in unlike some others as did you think I would be immature and kick you from the clan?.

    Sometimes I wonder how I (and others even) tolerated the crap you and or Battle did sometimes in past even. Like how Battle tried to do intentional TKing of another clan on SVER Sabo attack in past wile as Valor (you were not in group those games but they did happen) and was pissed when everybody else in group was above the TKing and wanted to play a respectable game.

    If you and Battle want to continue to TK, you guys go right ahead but there is no need to drag the rest of clan down to such dirty actions when they were never targeted themselves to start with and and were not comfortable ruining other friendlies games because of this stupid beef that was partially inhuman21's fault in first place. I mean if he had not gone on Platoon chat and well...

    By the way my KDR was done the HARD way with no strike kills of any kind and was much better in the first few months when it was almost 3.0 even. If I cared about my KDR so much I would not have let it slipped so much.

    Whatever Autumn as you can go about believing whatever you want to believe anyways... As I am about facts and you were about trying to make me out as a not clan worthy player, when in fact I am much a more clan worthy player (any clan at any point) then you in reality overall in a number of ways.

    If you really felt this way about me for a long time then you failed with a big "F" as you did not speak up much sooner.

    Well It was still for the most part fun playing with you and Battle until that last unfortunate days when PFB became a TKing clan from that point on.

  22. So the TKing and blackmailing did not ever happen in first place and still does not continue to happen right well I do know that you continued to do this TKing crap on A&D in game. Sorry but I agree that intentionally TKing another clan (even after after settling it somewhat) that will not even TK you back now and you disrupt the whole Platoon as a result, is not supporting a respectable clan, it is supporting a clan of TKers at best.

    I did cover your backs tons (much more then some of the other clan mates did sometimes), just that intentional TKing like this is one of the worst things you can do on MAG and many a serious MAG players condone intentional TKing in general even compared to this act. I guess you and Battle do not care that you could by chance get banned or stats reset for doing that if you continue.

    I was also much more positive about the clan when you were pretty negative and still are it seems. A shame really.

    Wow in end you really thought that I never rally went into or held objectives, never covered anybody's back while taking a bunker, never went out of my way to resuscitate, was a frago whore (when often times the objective was only frago'd by the SL near it) and I and others were elsewhere maybe, like opposite letter. I was sometimes trying to hold other cooloff or Letter while you guys holding down the fragooed one on Dom, if anything you guys were frago whoring in that case.

    Just because one game I and others did not want to join in on TKing I have lost perspective... riiiight.

    I think it is really You that has lost perspective on what a respectable clan really is now. Again if you do not see that that then there is the problem.

    I see that you were even too chicken to join that Valor Beta clan I am in unlike some others as did you think I would be immature and kick you from the clan?.

    Sometimes I wonder how I (and others even) tolerated the crap you and or Battle did sometimes in past even. Like how Battle tried to do intentional TKing of another clan on SVER Sabo attack in past wile as Valor (you were not in group those games but they did happen) and was pissed when everybody else in group was above the TKing and wanted to play a respectable game.

    If you and Battle want to continue to TK, you guys go right ahead but there is no need to drag the rest of clan down to such dirty actions when they were never targeted themselves to start with and and were not comfortable ruining other friendlies games because of this stupid beef that was partially inhuman21's fault in first place. I mean if he had not gone on Platoon chat and well...

    By the way my KDR was done the HARD way with no strike kills of any kind and was much better in the first few months when it was almost 3.0 even. If I cared about my KDR so much I would not have let it slipped so much.

    Whatever Autumn as you can go about believing whatever you want to believe anyways... As I am about facts and you were about trying to make me out as a not clan worthy player, when in fact I am much a more clan worthy player (any clan at any point) then you in reality overall in a number of ways.

    If you really felt this way about me for a long time then you failed with a big "F" as you did not speak up much sooner.

    Well It was still for the most part fun playing with you and Battle until that last unfortunate days when PFB became a TKing clan from that point on.

  23. So you think it was me huh... right well whatever.

    So the TKing and blackmailing did not ever happen in first place and still does not continue to happen right well I do know that you continued to do this TKing crap on A&D in game. Sorry but I agree that intentionally TKing another clan (even after after settling it somewhat) that will not even TK you back now and you disrupt the whole Platoon as a result, is not supporting a respectable clan, it is supporting a clan of TKers at best.

    I did cover your backs tons (much more then some of the other clan mates did sometimes), just that intentional TKing like this is one of the worst things you can do on MAG and many a serious MAG players condone intentional TKing in general even compared to this act. I guess you and Battle do not care that you could by chance get banned or stats reset for doing that if you continue.

    I was also much more positive about the clan when you were pretty negative and still are it seems. A shame really.

    Wow in end you really thought that I never rally went into or held objectives, never covered anybody's back while taking a bunker, never went out of my way to resuscitate, was a frago whore (when often times the objective was only frago'd by the SL near it) and I and others were elsewhere maybe, like opposite letter. I was sometimes trying to hold other cooloff or Letter while you guys held down the frago'd one on Dom, if anything you guys were frago whoring in that case. Funny that you say I camped when I often was all over the appropriate objective.

    Just because one game I and others did not want to join in on TKing I have lost perspective... riiiight.

  24. I think it is really You that has lost perspective on what a respectable clan really is now. Again if you do not see that that then there is the main problem.

    I see that you were even too chicken to join that Valor Beta clan I am in unlike some others as did you think I would be immature and kick you from the clan?.

    Sometimes I wonder how I (and others even) tolerated the crap you and or Battle did sometimes in past even. Like how Battle tried to do intentional TKing of another clan on SVER Sabo attack in past wile as Valor (you were not in group those games but they did happen) and was pissed when everybody else in group was above the TKing and wanted to play a respectable game.

    If you and Battle want to continue to TK, you guys go right ahead but there is no need to drag the rest of clan down to such dirty actions when they were never targeted themselves to start with and and were not comfortable ruining other friendlies games because of this stupid beef that was partially inhuman21's fault in first place. I mean if he had not gone on Platoon chat and well...

    By the way my KDR was done the HARD way with no strike kills of any kind and was much better in the first few months when it was almost 3.0 even. If I cared about my KDR so much I would not have let it slipped so much.

    Whatever Autumn as you can go about believing whatever you want to believe anyways... As I am about facts and you were about trying to make me out as a not clan worthy player, when in fact I am much a more clan worthy player (any clan at any point) then you in reality overall in a number of ways.

    If you really felt this way about me for a long time then you failed with a big "F" as you did not speak up much sooner.

    Well It was still for the most part fun playing with you and Battle until that last unfortunate days when PFB became a TKing clan from that point on.

  25. Oh and you say I was selfish about leaving Groups for others to join. Well you failed to mention two big things. One was you most often was the group leader or was in the top half of list if was not a leader, while two I was often times in the bottom due to being told to join last or among last few. You say I was selfish when you were safe and sound at top or near. Seems like you failed or just conveniently forgot this ;).

  26. I was always at the top of the group cuz guess what? I HAD TO DO THE HARD WORK OF MAKING THE GROUPS AND SENDING INVITES. Over and over... Like you would ever do that? rofl. If I was at or near the bottom I would always drop out, duh, that's how it works... but apparently you don't think so.

    lol keep flaming man, none of our current members have any problems with needing to TK a clan that STARTED TKING us first, you are the only one that keeps making things up. If you think TKing in defense is not respectable then I guess you should find a new game, LOL.

    Seriously you need to STFU, a lot of people think you're a selfish player and to be honest a lot of us got tired of it, no one said a thing when you were kicked out, why? If you were a useful contributor then someone would have said something, another person was almost kicked but some of us spoke up against kicking the other person because that person is ACTUALLY USEFUL.

    Keep on sucking man, we always had very high requirements for loyalty and that means being on the same side as your clanmates no matter what, you weren't covering our backs one time too many, you crossed the line and got kicked, simple.

    this is my last response, your attempt at flaming has been noted

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  28. Yeah yeah yeah you keep on with your pathetic flaming...

    If I was so useless as You claim then well more then half of VE in last months was practically worthless at time in comparison. If I was so useless why did Battle still have me in the Group all this time whether you were around or not and joined games to play along side of me even.

    Battle said one time I do better in a large groups. Well to be honest, other then have increased odds of winning, I actually have done much better and have more fun while in smaller groups or by myself and at times have been very aggressive even more so than you. Actually I have seen far more teamwork with other various clans and randoms in squad then I have seen from you.

    I covered your backs in the matches a ton of times (hell you never really covered mine in comparison) like for example when we took the bunkers I often had the most kills in squad while trying to keep the defenders off your backs, or I was often times able to revive when others had to wait.

  29. Even BatlleCry defended me a player to rely on, as for example one time against harbie by saying that if it was not for me holding down a large part of Valor B, BC and you and others would not have been able to go and frak around wherever you liked. I lost count how many hours I spent doing that as it was at times boring or had a lot more action then you had. It was not easy doing this at times as while you had capable backup and not to mention medic help, I often went up against anywhere from 2 to 12 enemies (besides maybe the rare blue dot as distraction) and despite that often times won the the fight against the odds.

    Hell even guys like James955 used a variety of techniques that I use a times and could have been considered a camper because he was killing the enemy while staying in mainly one spot. Like for example that one game where we were defending Sver Sabo at C and he got over 100 kills. Hell if he was not in that spot I would have done the same camping lol.

    I think only YOU got tired of it. Hey I got tired of some of the things you did but I never said anything either.

    For those who do not get it, Autum's idea of covering each others backs is by going along with his idea of intentional TKing and disrupting the game for everybody. Really is that what a respectable clan does? which is basically the worse thing you can do in MAG. Basically TK or your out.

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  31. Oh for the love of all that's holy. Let me set the record straight on two fronts.

    1) The Subject of Jameszilla, the former VE member that has been posting as Anonymous above.

    The reason why I never invited you into W-H was because you were NEVER the team player that even the worst player in VE was.

    Sure you could rack up some kills, but we had to constantly yell out your name when you ran over our dead bodies to get a rez.

    As far as your "earning" your KDR because you never took SL/PL/OIC that's a two way street. The reason you never took them is because you weren't good at it and you got tired of us yelling at you for it so you quit applying. And I want to clarify one thing right here...yes, you can get kills, and yes I have complimented you in the past on this...but that's because as a clan leader it's MY JOB to make everyone feel part of the larger group. In a small group I'd rather have Braver, Gator, Cody, Lunchbox or any other of the original W-H members on my side than you because they were better rounded players and they'd run halfway across the map to get a guy up, which is what I look for in clan members. You never really fit that bill.

    You got into VE, as Autumn stated, because in larger groups your shortcomings were balanced out by guys that weren't as good as killing but actually CARRIED A REPAIR KIT and would rez guys without having to be asked.

    And I'll say this, if I pull your card am I gonna see even 10 golden crosses? or Bunker Busters? ANYTHING that shows you've spent 600 plus hours on this game doing something other than camp and go for kills? I'm thinking no.


  32. 2) Of TK, A&D, and why you got kicked.
    I haven't spoken publicly about this for one major reason. No one gives a shit. But since you took the time to RAEG post about it 5 or 6 times I figure I'll set the record straight.

    One day, while defending the Basin, the FB's and A&D were in the same platoon together. A&D's Level Artist was the PL and was speaking complete and utter tactical nonsense for the majority of the game. Eventually, our SL, Inhuman21 had had enough (and likely prompted by me-I can't remember) took to the platoon chat to advise Level Artist that he sucked balls as a PL.

    Artist then comes over and TK's Inhuman with less than 2 mins left on the clock, giving us no time for retribution as A&D was on the other side of a boat AA. Whatever. We let our scores do the talking at the end of the game.

    If it wasn't the next day it was the two days after this occurred that the FB's were on an attacking DOM match against Valor and A&D were on our PL again. They had OIC, we had PL...I can't remember the the A&D OIC, (that'll come to play here in a second) but Inhuman got the PL duties and I was SL.

    At the beginning of the match some of the fellas wanted to go hunt A&D down due to A&D's act against us previously. But I said, "No". No clan I've ever been in backs out of games if it's going to screw over the platoon and hurt the other guys' chances of winning. So I wasn't about to screw over the platoon over one little TK. Lords know I've done it to other players enough, it'd have been pointless.

    So we go about attacking G&H and pretty much had to do all the work. A&D had an APC, we didn't, and yet we still had to take down just about everything (we had 7 or 8 FB's and A&D were supergrouped IIRC...about 12).

    And it was a struggle of a match. Even with the OIC on their squad, they couldn't take H. We'd take G and then the entire Valor platoon would descend upon us and kick us out. And I should note, the entire Valor Platoon was randoms (though a lot of japanese-lag FTW).

  33. During the match, the A&D OIC never ONCE got on the mic. That's fine, happens a lot. But the continual calling in refreshes at the worst possible times just pissed me and Inhuman off to no end. It was pretty obvious that as soon as their SL was ready, EVERYONE was therefore ready for a refresh. He did it three times like that. On the last one, I told Inhuman to light him up on the Mic over platoon chat, which I barely had to do since Inhuman was equally incensced. And three A&D jump him with less than 2 minutes once again. Again, no chance for retribution.

    From that point A&D was on perma KOS and only a grand act of sacrifice can get them off.


    So time passes and sure enough the FB's get on a Platoon with A&D and we go over them and exact some revenge. Now, all the FB's went over there and took care of business. Except for Jameszilla.

    So we all get kicked and I tell James after the match, point blank, that when the clan is doing something, no matter what it is, he needs to support the clan. Hr rambles off some weak excuse about TK being bad etc etc. I let it drop.

    Within that same week, we run into A&D again. Me and the FB's go over there to TK, and Jameszilla and one other member who had not been there for ANY of the previous nonsense don't join in the festivities.

    As me and the clanmembers that got kicked were sitting in the lobby, I removed BOTH those guys from the clan and blocked them and their alts and advised the rest of my clan to do the same.

    My officers convinced me to reinstate the other clan member that didn't TK as I hadn't previously counseled him and he had no knowledge of the events prior.

    So Jameszilla was the only one that was kicked. And it wasn't because he refused to TK, it was because he refused to back up his clan and his clan leader. I don't care what the action is, but if the clan is going to do (A) and you want to stay in the clan, then you do it. If you disagree with it, you leave the clan.

    What you don’t do is post about it MONTHS after is happens like a complete whiny little bitch telling half truths when the simple fact is NO ONE CARES. Not me, not the FB’s, not A&D…NO ONE.

    Fill out a butthurt form and mail to whomever you like, just quit QQing about it already. You got kicked from a video game clan. WHA. Get over it. Life goes on. It’s not the damn important. This is almost as bad as when I kicked Failsafe.

    And as to OP, yeah, VE was great, but when Harbie left, leaving me as the Clan Leader, I knew there would eventually be a schism as guys that came from EOD would eventually leave the fold/not like my leadership style/look to other guys from EOD for leadership/etc etc.

    So I took it upon myself to kill VE before it became a laughing stock and a shell of what it had been. But that’s a story for another time.

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  35. BTW you never did saying anything after first time or maybe you did not I was doing something else or still in game at moment. You never did say a peep after second time.

    Oh I DID FUCKING back you guys up on pretty much everything that happened in game whenever possible, just that you contradict yourself by saying I was not kicked for refusing to go along with the recent intentional TKing but then say I was kicked not backing you guys. Ok so if it was not for refusing to go along with TKing, then what was it for tough guy.

    I told you guys I wanted to try and settle this before it got to far out of hand as the intentional TKing that Autumn especially wanted to do would hurt the clan much more then anything as I cared about the clan and you guys then. I mean if I did not care about you guys I would have not played with you for so long and would have just quited long before.

    I mean there was no other matters that we had that I did not back you guys up on besides this intentional TKing and disruption of game Domination play. You probably did not even notice or forgot that Darc_Helmet, FreakyPickle did not join in on the TKing in both games you, Autum and inhuman did the TKing initially and finished the games with me, yet you did not kick them for not backing you up either. No wonder you think or say it was just only me not going along and not three people ..sheesh.

    By the way I was in a Domination game one time a few so weeks ago when I started to see votes going on somebody and I saw that he had the clan mark like yours (which turned out to be one of your then new so called recruits) and it got to 4 votes. I message three of the guys that were in squad after game on why and two said they did not want Team killers playing with them. You may say I am making that up but I am not sadly.

    No surprise really why you always had a full block list really due to your attitude with MAG.

  36. You know what you lost a really loyal guy all because you and inhuman21 had a beef with A&D for that one TK and the bad OIC playing after. So what, we have overcome bad difficulties before many many times and it made the victory that much more sweet as a easy smooth win is not as much fun in a sense.

    Unless that game is lagging or framerate is choppy for me at time, I actually find it is a lot easier to kill the enemies now and get higher kill counts as I do not have to compete with with you or Autumn or JamesR5955 (which you guys are extremely lucky to still have playing with you) for the kills. Heck I do believe he only started playing with the group or VE because of me as I was in his AoA clan before, so your welcome. I had games where I went say 22 kill streaks since even while in thick of things. I mean I had one game of Raven Aqui defence on last thursday and had 15 kills in some 30 seconds because they kept popping up all over the place and around corners and would have gotten the combat melle finally if the game had not frozed.

    Ha I can see why Moejoe often tries to play by himself now so he has the much better odds of getting the 100+ or even 150+ kill games.

    Even if I was still playing with you guys I may have ended up not being on or playing MAG much lately in last few weeks anyways due to other things involving my time and the new 2.0 patch was frustrating the last time I played as I frozed six out of eight games yeeesh.

    If I could back in time a year would I tell myself to not be friends or play with you or at least warn of the TKing incident?. I dunno as I did have fun playing with you for most part right up to pretty much minutes before that one game that started this charade.

    Anyways we might gone our separate ways down the road as they may not be another game that would have involved that lot of us MAG did.

    If you had quited for good as you almost did back in March then who knows maybe the clan or usual group would have been better off or maybe worse up till a month ago.

  37. You know, I really liked Valor Elite, don't really know what happened at the end. One thing I can tell you is that mag was one hell of a game and there will never be another shooter like it. I am stuck with Call Of Duty now and its lame, Miss all you guys even though we may have not parted on the best terms.......

    Sincerely:failsafe666 I still play and im interested in joining clans, please message me I still use the same psn

  38. Also for the record I just want bye gone's to be by gone's, yall are some of the best people I have ever played games with, I spent more than half of my time as a Mag player in VE and it was the first clan I ever joined in Mag. I left for selfish reasons, just hoping there is some forgiveness out there and possibly can play another game together again, take it easy guys if I don't end up linking up with you at some point, ill never forget the VE days and ill never forget Mag either,

