Wednesday, September 22, 2010

GNN Update: New Raven Technology?

GNN Reports are surfacing about a rumored Raven Technology that may be allowing Raven Special Forces to elude detection and may have given them the ability to elude damage. "They're ghosts I tell you, some of our soldiers claim it's witchcraft!" claimed several SVER commanders. Voodoo perhaps? No one knows--and Raven isn't telling. At press time there had been no official comment. A SVER commander sounded frantic speaking to us from sat-phone from nearby the conflict. "Our soldiers are running from the battlefield with their arms flailing deserting us, they claim the Raven soldiers have POWERS. They say, they say..they can't be killed!"

When we reached a SVER captain LeitherY (who had just left the conflict) for comment he was irate:

"I recently spotted a member of the Dark Flock, "Mudmaster_23", [using technology that had to violate the Geneva Convention]. Not only was Mudmaster violating the convention, but he was [violating the Rules of Engagement]. It's not that he isn't entitled to run @%$# like that, but any respect that branch of Raven's Mossad used to have in my book will be gone unless the UN starts sort of investigation is being made into the matter. After all, aren't the Flock supposed to [abide by the rules of proper warfare?]

We'll continue to investigate and provide more information as the story develops. Read the detailed reports here:


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