Friday, September 14, 2012

Beware of Imposters

While its sad that we have to address the silly business of Imposters in this day and age, sometimes we do what we must. It has happened to Google, McDonalds and countless websites and now apparently our blog as well. Apparently we've arrived, as imitation is said to be the purest form of flattery. The GNN can be contacted through our correspondence emails here: and here: Our Twitter feed is @NewEdenGNN. These are the only three methods. Its recently come to our attention that a former writer from our MAG period has made the decision to not only copy our format (which is fine we dont own the rights to Dust fiction or New Eden news stories) but also is attempting to steal our very moniker and name by calling itself the Galactic News Network to catch people unaware when we are in no way affiliated. While this is more amusing, sad and pitiful than anything else, after an interviewee mistook them for us we felt it needed to be addressed.

While we wish all former affiliates the best when they use their own ORIGINAL CONTENT, we simply have to address imitators and copycats who are in no way affiliated with the GNN or the DustMercs Blog in any way.

Again, The GNN is not affiliated in any way with "Josh Morris" or any email account not listed above.


  1. srsly thats lame. atleast come up with ur own news site.

  2. isnt that grezkev from RG? typical loser sver clan who got rolled like 24/7.

  3. did he seriously use GNN and the galacticnewsnetwork and everything? #BOOOHISS #beoriginaldummy

  4. RG sucked! had a friend in R*S who said they tried to get mistaken for them too! also, not all SVER clan are loudmouths who suck, i take offense to that!

  5. im still laughing that they used the same letters, he's like one of those mirror sites that try to fool you when you type a letter wrong..GOGLE or HOTMALE. lulz

  6. while we believe imitation is a form of flattery, we had to address it when an interviewee sent them the responses to our interview. sad and funny but true.

    1. So funny...this site looks like something I made in 9th grade at my high school. This shit ain't official homie so dont flatter yourself...and if it was an official website I doubt you would be throwing out names on the net...sounds like ur butt hurt son

  7. grez get a job! go back to writing silly stuff about sver invading africa lolololo rg was terribull lololo

    1. you get a job broke ass bitch dont ever talk about RG we WILL SMASH YOU!

  8. delete this blog pls )

    1. what is the point of this?

  9. sorry most sver clans were horrible and rg was certainly one of the worst ones.

    1. ur one of the worst bitch...RG for life

  10. who else was in RG? i never heard of them. did they beat anyone in clan wars?

    1. We have mowed down many clans...we r the shit these bitches are just haters

  11. iirc grez copied zippers GNN as the global news network with olivia darby. i doubt they minded but he wasnt anything to do with eve or dust until recently.

    while im not a hater his writing was always below standard to me. i dont choose sides but all in all, very poor taste by him. im not a fanboy of this blog either but they have followed proper writer protocol whether you like it or not.

  12. lolhaters. GOML - Grezkev

    1. gotta love them haters huh grezzileee<3 Goddess

  13. Just saw Morris' GNN... despite not as many articles its better in terms of writing imho

  14. Also, you're full of shit. You copied something Grez posted for your own website, it's in your archive.

    Liar liar, pants on fire....dumbass ROFL

    1. The person in question used to write for this site. why would we need to copy anything? He posted freely. like we said previously, we support all original content and ideas. blatant copycat sites trying to be mistaken as the GNN we frown upon.

    2. That's bullshit. -Grezkev

    3. you call it anything you like. just remember; we support original ideas and content only. stay classy josh morris aka Grezkev.

  15. ^ If Dusters is copying shit and denying it months later why should we trust their word at all about anything?

    1. Pretty sure nobody trusts the word of Mr. bruce.

    2. So what does this jerkoff got nothing better to do than just bullshit stuff? lol...and people are telling Grez to get a job

    3. blog fanboys are the worst. both blogs are propaganda but calling one superior to the other = stupid. that said, grez u have to get a new name. copying their whole title is bush league.

    4. ur the jerk off hoe

  16. Harmon is just afraid of the inevitable. GNN gunna get corporate sponsorship and a direct link with EVENEWS24.


    1. ROFL! they gonna pay u isk too? too funny.

    2. !?! this is news to me !?!

  17. I see Grezkev's GNN more like a real news site with actual stories. Dusters is more the TMZ with fake stupid articles to try to catch attention.

  18. Funny to see the trolls supporting Grezkev.

    1. Odd, a ROFL member supporting a ROFL blog... weird.

    2. Love trolls who like to diss people they dont know....Bicth.


    ^ that is funny

  20. this blog is average but that other blog looks like shit tbqh.

  21. Has Harmon admitted that the only people that support his "blog" are RoFL members?

    Name says it all about them too...

  22. why would he? thats not true. pretty sure ccp and most of the reasonable people in eve support it too. pretty sure ur butthurt about that. do what i do. get over it.

  23. Glad you posted this, have many emails from him asking to schedule an interview on Tritan

  24. who impersonates a blog? only on the internet.

    1. You should ask the owners of this site.


      for details.

  25. how sad is josh morris for trying to impersonate a blog? get a life dude.

  26. Haha haters haters haters haters.....Hilarious how people think Grez is "so terrible" and RG is "awful"....Bitch you know our Clan know who we are...Obviously you know we get down and take any haters that come our way...Dont hate the player baby...hate the game bitches<3 Haters make us famous...thats all ur doing sweetie, makin us more Famous, and Im sorry RG is one of a kind I love all of our members and have not even ONCE thought about going to another clan. As for Grez, he is a one of a kind human being and deserves a lot more respect then what is being all just believe what some dumbass writes in a dusters blog??? Get a fuckin life...know ur facts before you comment....Later Bitches keep drinking your haterade<3

  27. 1 finger up, and I'm out...cuz you aint even worth two.

  28. Heck i love what Grez did with his writings it inspired me in many ways and he is a role model to not only me but many other RG members. I was terrible at writing things at 1st and when i started reading his posts and such it helped me with my writings and because of that im my English teachers star writer and its all thanks to Grez and his writings. I dont think we are terrible wither cause to my knowledge we won Majority of our clan matches in MAG and it sure as heck was one of the best gaming time of my life playing it with RG never a dull moment and full of people there to have fun. Not only were we good we wernt even full of try hards like 90% of clans out there.
    So Grez dont let any of this get to you cause your in inseration to me and many other

    1. Inspiration*(my bad on spelling i hit publish by accident)
      So anywho thanks for not only the inspiration in writing grez but how you made me a better person as well your one of the greatest guys i know and i hope you stay that way

      -Twinblade_51 or my real name Christopher Whitney

  29. make it clappp..lets make it clappp....yea bitch yo shit a joke round of applause for the biggest clown...these dutster blog fucks
