Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Modes: Prioritize Communication

 You hear that sound? Its the excited playerbase regarding new game modes [yes, even if its only for a weekend] the monotony of Ambush and Skirmish had reached a boiling point for many. The 'build fatigue' we referenced earlier was real. Now there is talk of new game modes and we couldn't be happier. These are just the kind of beta events that will keep the game fresh and the playerbase fully engaged. Bravo, CCP as this is the second event in as many weeks.

There are even rumors about mercs being responsible for the assassination attempt on Tibus Heth. If true, this is better than good, its great. We talked about the impact Assassin Contracts could have on gameplay earlier [esp. with Faction Warfare] and there might not be a better way to introduce New Eden to the useful skillset that Dust Mercenaries possess. Imagine a mercenary becoming the most feared assassin in the galaxy by racking up a bodycount of notable NPCs. These are quite simply the things great games are made of.

But heed CCP, as there may be some things you should consider before adding game modes that will require large amounts of communication. That other sound you hear? It is the Anarchists patience level lowering. Don't doubt the frustration that PTFO based players can have with solo players who may not be familiar with a team based shooter. Keep in mind most contemporary shooters still reward solo play and the redline sniper may think theres nothing wrong with going 10/0 even if it does nothing to help his team get the Quafe agents [which we hope are AI] to the extract. Events like Kill All Blueberries aren't going anywhere and you could be part of the problem because many players will work as a team as long as they are 1) aware of the objective 2) they know who's in charge and 3) there is a line of communication. Here are a few ways these new game modes could be enhanced.

1. Larger Groups - Some corps want to play together as a group or with their allies minus any blueberries, some don't mind. Can you blame them? Separate from the poor communication is the fact that some players just arent interested in PTFO. This frustrates the people playing the game as it is intended. Give us 8 man squads and 24 person groups if we have the headcount necessary.

2. Proximity Chat - You may be tired of hearing about this but this feature is as necessary as good framerate. Before you know it, two mercs assigned to get the Quafe agents safely to the extract wont be in the same squad and atleast one won't be aware of team chat. Now what? Will they even be able to decide on which way to go? How will they warn each other about the enemy? How will they say 'i'm down' or 'need some ammo?' This lack of communication will lead to a comedy of errors and frustration. Add prox chat before its too late.

3. Chain of Command - Too many cooks spoils the broth. One sure way to ruin a team based shooter is democracy on the battlefield. Give us squad leaders, but also a platoon leader with real powers like the ability to address the entire team, highlight points on the battlefield, spawn with any squad and change any squads spawn as well. Things work better when someone qualified is in charge.

4. Friendly Fire - We can't wait for the forum rage when bodyguards shoot through Quafe agents to no effect or when an orbital strike into a zone defies physics and only kills the enemy. Make this a non-issue now before it becomes more abused than it already has been.

As always, we'll continue to attempt to help push and publish ideas that innovate gameplay as much as we can. Have any ideas that need sharing? Be sure to contact us at


  1. solid read. hopefully dust will have bounties too. EVE just got them.

  2. didnt agree with FF @ first but people who play shooters are smart. 514 plyers ever smarter. they will use the loopholes if they are there.


  4. +1 support a PL 100%

  5. Obvious points are obvious. Game still falls far short of what's out there

  6. What is PTFO?

    Also I think the comms is the most stable thing in DUST. Not sure people have any problem with the great comm system DUST has. I hope they don't change a thing about the comms.

    Proxy chat I really couldn't care less about. I guess smack talking the enemy is just important to some people.

    1. did u read it? nothing about talking trash. prox is for letting people in different squads talk to each other.

    2. So, like the Team Chat option they already give us?

      The real point of Proxy is so that you can hear people from the other team.

    3. ptfo= play the f***ing objective

  7. Friendly Fire would be great though. I know they want it only in null sec, but it would be nice to have in low sec as well. High sec, I couldn't care less about. Probably wont be there often anyway.

  8. play the fucking objective

  9. PTFO = play the fucking objective

  10. This game will always be broken!
