Friday, December 30, 2011

Marketing is Key

The other day we were sort-of lamenting the fact that Dust 514 won't be multi-platform (only because that guarantees sales, mind you) but we got to thinking about what else is really important: How SONY has to hit a homerun marketing Dust 514 to the right people. This article on Sony's lackluster marketing hit the nail on the head. As much as we think that Kevin Butler is extremely effective marketing casual, niche games to much of Sony's target audience, we simply don't feel like he would be the right man for the job.

Laugh out loud funny or comical is not the goal here. Staying true to the story IS. There is a certain grim, serious and no-laughing-matter aspect that the Ads simply need to communicate. You need O Fortuna, not Justin Bieber. We were pleasantly surprised at how the BF3 marketing steered clear of Butler, and the marketing for Dust should honestly take it a step further.

We're hopeful, notice how none of the BF3 advertising is geared at being witty, making you laugh or being funny, but we have to make certain we stress this point. Here are two well-done ad spots that we felt did a wonderful job of conveying the proper theme to their target audience while simultaneously building interest, excitement and a "wow" factor. Halo's Deliver Hope and the timeless Fight as A Platoon MAG spot that was never circulated like it should have been. For Halo-haters, we apologize, but that intense, live-action commercial spot is quite simply one of the best gaming has ever produced. No candy-coated cartoons or celebrity-filled, war-is-fun, comedy pieces. Its a true-to-the-mythology, solemn, gritty, dark, this-won't-end-well, two-minute tribute to hardcore Halo fans everywhere. Hell, I never even played Halo and even I had a fanboy moment. It was so well done that it spawned the first conversations of a Halo movie. It says quite simply: "Spartan or not, this WOMAN died to deliver hope. Now what the fuck are you going to do? GET IN HERE." While not the work of art of the Halo trailer, MAG's fan-made trailer's theme was just as effective. The overriding message is simple: "There will be no medals or colored ribbons for second place, Victory is the only goal. Lead me, Follow Me or get out of my way." These are the standards you should consider when it comes to marketing the MMOFPS genre, please don't compromise a story as deep and intriguing as EVE's with something that is unworthy.

You'll do more harm than good.


  1. I must ask you HAVE you SEEN the EVE online trailers there epic and i dont see any reason DUST´s trailers wont be either.

    have a little faith...

  2. yea i dont think u'll see the usual KB comical ads for DUST 514 tbh

  3. good post. failure to advertise MAG enough and correctly was the #1 problem.

  4. to be fair, most of that has been on the web. while some eve players may want to cross-train, most dust players will come from consoles. so tv marketing is really important.

  5. Dont forget the word of mouth, in EVEs youth they didn't have these awesome trailers and word about the game spread by other talking about it, still..
    it took 8 years to achieve 400.000+ subscribers

    dont forget 8 years ago CCP was an indy developer with no credability and almost no funding at all and they maid eve what it is now.
    they made THE BEST MMO out there (not every one can get into it but people somehow respect EVE and its dangerous nature)that alone shoud say somthing about DUST 514

  6. don't know if word of mouth can cut it in the age where u need to sell atleast a 1M copies. if they r ok with selling twice what eve has and growing it thta might be cool tho

  7. mag ads were criminally bad.

  8. Making an awesome ad is all well and good but there isnt much point unless people get to see it. I remember I had to search for MAGs advert I would not have even known about the game except for the small presentation at e3.
    HALOs ad on the other hand was everywhere and there was no danger of people missing it. CCP must make sure as many people see their ad as possible!

  9. good point, u have to let people know about the quality game ur offering.

  10. I agree with the statement that you need to advertise this game to fit the console users, create hype fore others then the hardcore to enjoy...

    and give moar gameplay video aaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!! :Þ

  11. i agree with moar gameplay that woud be a nice christmas, birtday, holiday gift : )
    pretty plz

  12. Interesting advertising dilemma. Who are you trying to market this game to? It's a hard disc drive purchase from the PSN and from what we've heard from EVE players CCP learning curve harder than shit. So who's buying? Hard core clan oriented competitive players...yes. Above average FPS players looking for the next step up from current shooters...yes. Players in large online gaming clans be they good or bad moving to something that appears to be clan oriented...yes. Now what's left over cause these people don't need to be wowed with bling to buy in. Advertising costs money so I wouldn't look to see a bunch of it spent advertising on TV anyways.

  13. Edit..."these people being the ones listed"...
    Seriously this looks to be a mature player base game. Very interesting advertising dilemma. Bottom line though do a few maybe one EPIC one and let it ride. Learn from Sony's ineptitude in all facets of your game CCP. To keep the great players around the formula is simple. Don't suck. Boomshakala...N00dlez out.

  14. yeah one good tv ad is all they need. then do the usual internet media blitz with ads week of and after release.

  15. All i can say is find a style like eve and stick to it that was one of the reasons i find eve so compelling (interesting)

  16. TAKE THE LEVEL OF EPIC YOUR OTHERS TRAILERS HAVE AND MAKE IT DUST STYLE, all i want :Þ (i find this game to be really compelling)

    BE brave and bold, hell you are already doing it with letting this game be ps3 only, well at least many people find that to be the case

    all in all i have a good feeling about this game ,it will be the suprise of 2012

  17. my friends believed the mag trailers (which showed tons of people and lots of action) and ended up hating it because in reality they kept things small. (only seeing up 16-20 players max onscreen at the same time.) If marketing wants to win, Tell the truth. nice on the butler idea, surprised me.
