Monday, March 18, 2013

Lai Dai Mortars coming?

 Lai Dai corporation showed their board of directors their newest combat asset days ago. Apparently they have developed a mortar system capable of use by clone soldiers. While the sound of the device is considerable, and the vulnerability of its operator is a drawback, apparently its accuracy drew high marks during the twenty minute presentation. The weapon has always been popular with infantry for its ability to soften entrenched positions and root out snipers. Many mercenary corporations have already expressed heavy interest in obtaining the asset when Lai Dai starts manufacturing them.

K6-12 Mortar Device
Charges: 5
Total shells: 20
Damage: 200 direct damage, 100 splash damage
Radius: 7m
Range: 300m

 Disclaimer: Our GNN posts are wishlist items our writers see a need for. They've tried their best to suggest useful and relevant assets. These items have not been confirmed, and we only seek to add to the game's considerable inventory and lore. Have wishlist items to add? email us at


  1. these would help root out snipers

  2. Should come with a high damage no splash round for tanks that sit still.

  3. I like this idea +1

  4. I do remember a Dev talking about a Mass Driver with an alternative firing mode, like a mortar mode.
