Friday, March 9, 2012

New Dev Blog: Vehicles

It's Dust 514 Information Overload today it seems. Aren't you starting to get the feeling the Private Trials aren't far off? We sure are. Today we learn about vehicles, their Pros and Cons and most of all their characteristics. We love the mention of electronic warfare, in addition to capacitors and how they power the modules that each vehicle has equipped. There's nothing like balanced gameplay with depth and detail.

Also mentioned is the fact that certain skills are necessary to operate vehicles. You will have to train the proper skill to pilot different craft. Lastly, they add in how "the fog of war" will play a critical role until you scout your enemy allowing you to reveal and assess the battlefield, as well as how draining capacitors can render vehicles inert. More persistence and necessary depth, people. Take a look at some of the mecha that CCP hath wrought upon us.

Vehicle Blog


  1. think i'm in love.

  2. anyone notice how the dev blogs have gotten really tutorial style recently? keep it up CCP! Do vids in the same style.

  3. I don't know I got really confused with this blog, its good but really confusing I guess that's the Eve effect for you, look rely complicated but once you get to learn a bout it it gets easy?

  4. I just woke up to a shitload of awesome today

  5. its only confusing now because youre just reading it. when ur being more hand-on it'll make sense.

  6. *crosses fingers for a good training mode* please dont do what zipper did with mag, ccp.
