Thursday, July 5, 2012

Global Conflict leaves EV

After a dramatic week of negative comments regarding the reveal of members of their secret alliance, its operations manual and the identity of its chairman by a source inside the EV. The Global Conflict Corporation spokesman has confirmed that they are leaving the Entropy Virus and are no longer affiliated. We inquired about their motivation for leaving but at press time we got no response.

As always, we'll continue to follow this story and provide updates as they become available.


  1. The amount of insipid drama these console clantards are capable of producing even before the game is out is more depressing than entertaining.

    1. theres nothing that should be a surprise when clan hoppers and rebranders form clans. life expectancy and any unified front is doomed to fail even if both share common interest

  2. Wartzilla, lol fat pc gamers are so funny.

    1. Lol, this PC gamer has 8 abs, how many do you have? Got triceps? I do, ripped ones that stick out! What about gastrocnemius? Know what those are? Assuming PC gamers are fat, Lol, way to make an ass out of yourself with an ass-umption :)

  3. Some good news for EV about time.

  4. and gc leaving ev means what exactly?

    must be a slow newsweek if all they've got to report on is a clan looking for greener pastures.

    quite frankly with how this site has been panning out im suprised that there isnt a "source" telling dusters that gc left spies in ev.

  5. so who is left? spankit?

  6. Man thats one ugly logo looks like some shat it out.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Dafuq I just read?

  9. Chill guys, considering the game isn't released yet this site is still trying to provide news, you should appreciate that.
    Ya'll need some prozac

  10. Lol this site doesn't provide news .... Rumors speculaion and flat out BS. Most of its fluff
    Harmon's a bone tickler I suspect

  11. GC left EV.

    "I am Jack's complete lack of surprise."
