Monday, June 4, 2012

Is a ROFL/SYN Confrontation Brewing?

Sources have alerted us to a possible confrontation brewing between the ROFL alliance and SyN Corp. Most of the details aren't known at this time, but some of the animosity seems to be derived from the fact that SyN is the home of many former PHI members, producing a natural bad-blood between the two groups. While one look at the two groups would have you believe SyN has a significant disadvantage; as they are a corporation while ROFL is an entire alliance of corporations, rumor has it that the smaller group possesses some of the most elite mercenaries in the entire galaxy.

Several neutral players we asked attributed some of the angst to ROFL's success putting together a formidable alliance of Dust Mercs and EVE Pilots while the ZSA that SyN was a charter member of, quickly fizzled out after reportedly being an early target of GoonSwarm, for what many viewed as arrogance. If this is true, it will be two significant powers that SyN has run afoul of, although tangling with ROFL is decidedly less dangerous than being on the bad side of the Goons. Another source had ROFL heavy handedly exerting their influence in their region, already rubbing many smaller groups the wrong way (already decimating one in EvE reportedly) When we reached out to the groups for comment, ROFL Leader Mitauchi commented that "Our focus remains on our continued development. I care little for what happened in the past and am focused on the future of New Eden as I expressed in my most recent blog post."  The SyN Leader had this to say: "I like ROFL. We may not see eye to eye on certain areas but they are at least organized group with a plan, even i can respect that. Only thing left is to see is if their gun game adapts to it and they should be fine."

One source seemed to regard the gun game remark as a back-handed compliment, but also seemed completely unconcerned with the smaller group "Whatever. We have an overflow of skilled and tactical players, and in the end, our sources inside SyN will tell us what we need to know when we need to know it. Tears are delicious."

We'll be sure to keep tabs on this developing story.


  1. first! SyN for life! f*ck the rofl bullies!

  2. shit just got real.

  3. Wow alliance beef and dust hasnt even launched yet awesome :)

  4. LOL@ ROFL Bullies! Are ya skeered? ;)

    1. Are you a grade school graduate? Skeered? Someone get this man a dictionary!

  5. This site just makes up BS when none of the target groups won't reply, eh? It doesn't even have the journalistic integrity of the National Inquirer.

  6. Rofl bullies? :( everyone knows SyN is a bunch of meanies.

  7. It is upsetting that I have been misquoted in this article in order to presumably stir up trouble. Dusters should learn to properly quote during interviews and not bend states to get more hits on their website. I am disappointed.

    Here was the quote request I received.


    this is bruce harmon the editor of the dustmercs blog again.

    just wanted to give you a heads up on a story we're running monday. we'd just like a few quotes if you could. the article is titled "is a rofl - syn confrontation brewing?" the source we talked to seemed to imply that the issue was bad blood between the current and former PHI members. Numberz seemed pretty pc regarding rofl and said he liked what you were trying to achieve. although he did mention that your gun game may not transfer over to dust 514. we all know thats code for your players are average. any responses would be appreciated, the story to be up on monday morning."

    Here is my original response to this article.

    "Thank you for the opportunity to respond. I do not personally know Numberz very well, but have had nothing but positive interaction with him personally. I hope he does well on his formation of SyN and wish him well in the Beta and Dust when it releases. I am sure any smack talk that the media wants to hype up remains between individuals and not the leadership or our alliance as a whole. Our focus remains on the development of Dust and not old MAG rivalries. I care little for what happened in MAG and am focused on the future of Dust as I expressed in my most recent blog post. If you have any specific questions about anything please send them my way I would be happy to answer. "

    1. Come on...... this is just sad .
      If you're just gonna make shit up why bother talking to people in the first place ?
      If you want to read some made up shit this is the place to be !!!

  8. isnt that the same thing?

  9. Please understand that we edit responses to stay within the New Eden mythos, so comments like "Our focus remains on the development of Dust and not old MAG rivalries." will be edited into "Our focus remains on our continued development. I care little for what happened in the past and am focused on the future of New Eden" We try not to mention the game itself and we're pretty sure each comment stays true to its original context.

    1. When editing out or completely omitting areas of a post typically most journalist either omit part of the statement by ending it with ... and then place their inference in brackets. If you directly change the words in a persons statement you are not correctly quoting them.

      While you may try to stay true to the context you can not change a quote of a person to suit your direction or tone. This may of been an honest mistake as we have had positive experiences with you in the past but based on the history of in hyping up conflict it is doubtful. If you want to paint yourself as a good resource for Dust/Eve info then you need to polish your journalism.

  10. That isn't at all in the original context.

    Mit was staying completely positive and looking towards the future...the post is anything but.

    Exerting ROFL's influence indeed. :/

  11. His original comments weren't taken out of context. please remember that we have several sources that mentioned an incident in New Eden, and a few that felt like ROFL was being overbearing. We wouldn't have been telling the entire story had we not mentioned that in the piece.

    1. I take no issue with "other sources for info" just please do not change quotes of mine in the future or you will not receive any.

  12. LOL, A better title would have been, "Is a PHI/SyN confrontation brewing". But you still would have been about a year too late.

    1. ^^ that one. lol
      this used to be MAGVETS too.

  13. lol @ these pubbies arguing over whats left after the scraps are gone. your whole world is the size of a pinhead.

  14. Funny story. Reminds me of the story about a UFO being the one who shot JFK.

  15.'s not even an open beta.

  16. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. ROFL has every reason to fear. >;)

  18. ROFL sucks bunch of garbage players teaming up

  19. lolz we teabagged u in eve we will do the same in dust lolz

  20. ^^^^get it all out of your system now...your tears are soon to follow

  21. Harmon is Kushmir btw. ROFL on ROFL crime lmao.

  22. LOL at this blog.... want make drama over nothing

  23. Why not ROFL vs the SyN alliance? or have they not go public yet? ;O

    1. ohhh, EON alliance?, the SyN alliance as you called it.
      idk bro, don't think they are public yet.

      Entorpy Virus is terribad at not being known about...

  24. Wow way to make drama. I respect SyN, if we are to butt heads in the future so be it but you really don't need to escalate anything.

  25. Friendship is magic, isn't it...?


  26. Am I the only one here who has never heard of ROFL or SyN? Played EVE for a long time never heard of them, certainly not corps that matter. So considering neither team is known in EVE, and DUST is still in a closed beta with no party system, corp battles, etc.....Why is this news?

    1. Cause they thought it could get activity on their site, and it's worked.

      Funny that ROFL is most popular on this blog other then actual Dust 514 stuff.

  27. Because this blog does not know what news is.

  28. Also loving that the newest E3 Trailer isn't here but this false BS is...

    Some dust blog.

  29. Both ROFL and SyN will fall.

    On June 10th, a new power will rise.
    Be prepared, your own members are ready to break away.
    Trust no one.

    1. Yes a new power to dominate the closed beta, taking over pub servers and backpacking randoms. smh

    2. So.....Its June 10 now......

    3. past the 10th...
      No one's went public with some alliance or anything.

      What the hell man? lying and sh**

  30. Its amazing how ppl cud take a simple comment and try to make drama out of it, gotta love this blog lol. I refuse to believe that "gun game" comment sparked anything as that refers to everyone, my team included, as its a new game no one will know how well they transfer over coming from other games, if ROFL transfers well they will be fine as they also got solid organisation, i believe i did say that. How could that possibly be twisted idk lol.

    Seeing Mitauchi's comments twisted and edited as well. Losing what little respect this blog already had by making up shit to fuel hits and false drama tbh.

    PS: There is no SyN vs ROFL/PHI drama or beef. I havent had any conflict with PHI in over a year my camp has been keepin peace and so to PHI, like i said we dont always see eye to eye but respect is given. Why this joke of a blog fishing for shit is beyond me


    1. My gun game is terribad. So bad, in fact, that I'll bring ROFL down from within, don't anyone worry.


  31. Who the hell is Mitachuii? ROFL has no good players in their alliance.

    1. and EV has jumpman aka protoman and he "thinks" from what's on your forums he can take all of ROFL.

      but you don't have shit on us EON guys.

  32. As you can tell, most of the anonymous comments are just trolls crom both sides amusing themselves, and then the tiny minority of butthurt EVE guys who got stomped on by ROFL... And apparently playing EVE as it is always played is now "heavy handed" and mean.

    Oh well. This blog just likes to stir stuff up for fake drama. ROFL and SyN as far as I know are both just fine and dandy with each other. EVE is a big universe.

  33. Sensationalism at it's worst! You guys at dustmercs should switch over to doing Hollywood celeb gossip, you'd fit right in.

    Then you wouldn't even have to ask people for quotes to misconstrew, you could just make up some shit and say it was from an anonymous tipster! Oh wait--you've already done that.

    -Anonymous RofL guy. PS, props to both Mitauchi and Numberz for clearing this crock of BS up.
