Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Link between Faux GNN and EON Discovered?

In this exclusive, our source inside the EON Alliance supplies us with private discussions from within the group where leadership discusses the reputations of current alliances, avoiding the missteps of corps like STB, and most importantly an instance where they openly discuss using the Faux GNN [no relation to us] as a disinformation tool. Keep reading for full access to the transcripts!

With the announcement that full corps are coming very very soon is it time we go public?
not openly recruit or anything but get the brand out there?

no doubt ppl gonna start taking notice of the Eon corps that have been heavy on the beta gettin used to stuff.

This is also another reason i was pushin ppl to be more active on the beta since grping was added. 1st impressions are important and alot of the corps here honestly have not been puttin the time in gettin knowledge on the game, every night its basically SyN and R*S and already us 2 have been building chemsitry, learning the ins and outs of the game.

With player corps now u have ur corp branded to u and like i said 1st impressions are lasting ones, cant have ppl sayin "oh its Eon...they only have a few good corps in there played against the rest they not that good or they just not good at all"

I feel too many ppl are adopting the "oh we will wait till release to figure stuff out and decide what our roles are etc"

thats bad. Now is the time to do that when stats, SPs and other stuff dont matter, so when the game launches we can hit the ground running. NOW is the time to be training members and gettin them up to speed on the games mechanics, figuring out the general role ur corp will play as well as members.
JW v Weingarten
People should stop saying ' i will play Dust when it releases.'
This is the time to start playing, discover the game and discover what role fits you best so you will have a better start
once Dust releases.

Just start playing the damn beta
Yeah everyone should start getting thier members testing dust if they havn't already... we've been doing that since beginning of this build, now i believe having a good turnout. R*S from what ive seen has a good turnout as well.

I think we should announce ourselves -just- before this next build, lets wait until they announce its release date (try and really get our activity more together), unless they intend to spring it on us as a surprise. Its not too big of a deal if we dont advert beforehand, but when they announce it is when people will prob start getting more active in actually finding a corp, and it would be handy to have our announcement thread well timed with a dev thread about the build release.

Our alliance will be first to come to mind to any forum browser (and have the mysterious allurement since others have kind of put themselves out there already), so i feel it would be perfect timing. We should have an idea of what we want to post before that date comes so we can get it out, then have our members bump periodically through the day.

NuMbz┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ wrote: With player corps now u have ur corp branded to u and like i said 1st impressions are lasting ones, cant have ppl sayin oh its Eon...they only have a few good corps in there played against the rest they not that good or they just not good at all wrote:

I would like to reemphasize this.

We can learn a lesson from some other corps' mistakes. STB, for instance, has really hurt their 'brand' by doing things like calling in 5 or 6 tanks on an ambush round, and no matter how they deny it on the forums, most people now associate them with tank spamming.

When corp tags are added, people should try to remember that they represent Eon whenever they are playing. Being a part of SyN and Eon is a big deal for me, and it absolutely kills me to see people doing stuff that hurts the reputation of all of us. I realize of course that all we are doing now is pubs, and its hard to take that seriously all the time. I only ask that people have fun, but remember they are representing everyone else in the alliance when they play.

Creating our own alliance 'brand' is something that I think we should discuss and it should be reflected in however we decide to introduce ourselves and in how we play in general. There is plenty of time to worry about this when the full game releases, but I think we should do our best to make a good first impression in the beta.

I agree with the timing that life suggested. I believe that we should get our name out there so that people know who we are when the full game releases. Also it will help with recruiting.
What types of "brands" are you suggesting Variant?
Im with numbz on this one every corp should be getting ready for our eventual debut. That includes knowing what role you want to play as a individual and as a corp. If you plan to just kinda wing it on release dont be suprised when a more organized group shits on you. That being said I think we have a solid foundation for a amazing alliance from what ive seen so far !!! Theres alot of talented Dust players in SyN and my clan Red Star already and add a few more dedicated corps to that and I think we will be in good shape.
I agree on getting ready, I'm pushing my members hard to pick it up and play, I got quite a few interested, and quite a few joining here really soon, I personally need to find time to get in with some games with everyone, I know I haven't been on really since the last build but I'm working towards it, life comes first however
With this build about to end Its no big deal but I believe the next build is the final build before release. Last chance to get organized before the real thing. Im gonna try to get even more R*S involved when public beta starts !!
Grez what I mean by brand is very brand is what comes to people's mind when they think of our alliance. In other words a reputation. For instance in EVE, if I come across someone from TEST Alliance, I will fight them every time, because their alliance is viewed to have very few skilled pilots and are terrible in small gang and solo fights. On the other hand if I saw someone from Pandemic Legion, I would do my best not to engage them because they are known to have quite a few skilled pilots. Reputation plays a big role in EVE, especially when it comes to finding allies, recruiting, etc.

What I am saying is that what we put on our introduction thread and how we conduct ourselves will affect how people think of our alliance. This in turn will affect what type of players are drawn to our alliance when we start recruiting. I was just saying that we should keep this in mind once we go public and have corp tags added.
@ life funny....i just did a draft of our intro thread today in work as i was bored. will post up later to see what peeps think and when the date of the build drops we can drop it the day before on the beta forums and as well we arent gonna be tools like ROFL and have a homo coming out party and crash the IRC lol
keeping it professional.
Can always use GNN in a way as well

Grezkev wrote: Can always use GNN in a way as well wrote:

tbh i wont use GNN to do anything Eon related.
Conflict of interest having the GNN thing attached to Eon tbh

ppl are gonna take ur blog just as srs as they take DUSTERS especially if u start doin stories and rumors etc on our competitors
Yeah any favouring we would do with GNN we would want it to be subtle so it doesnt go the way of dusters
I think its a great idea to use GNN as a disinformation tool. Just got to be more subtle than DUSTERS about it.

Nanofied wrote: I think its a great idea to use GNN as a disinformation tool. Just got to be more subtle than DUSTERS about it. wrote:

While Numberz is 100% correct about conflict of interest, Eugene is also correct to an extent.

We have to accept that there will be multiple news groups reporting on DUST. I hope to make GNN a standard for one of them, but it'd be ignorant to think it will remain alone. News organizations will develop just like they do in any capitalist society...based on supporters, funding, and their audience.
"Being a part of SyN and Eon is a big deal for me, and it absolutely kills me to see people doing stuff that hurts the reputation of all of us."

Also i will start getting groups going on dust once my internet is stable. GNN could be a good idea if it's not bias unlike the derps over at dust mercs.

While we've heard the untrue rumors associating us with the EV, ROFL and even a major EVE corp, nothing could be further from the truth. These lies by the Hivemind/Spankit gave some the impression he was in charge of our blog, he is folly and farce. The GNN is here to report the happenings of New Eden, not to serve as a tool that serves the interests of one alliance or another or to mislead as discussed above. As always, we'll continue to provide more details as they become available.


  1. lol numbz called STB tank spammers. everyone knows this

  2. this EON has no clue when it comes to security, too many leaks to be taken seriously.

    1. Meh, with CCP not letting the Dusties into SOV and keeping them in FW for at least the first few months... they really don't need much security. They literally could have wide open forums and what would it hurt?

      "Hey we are going to accept an NPC contract." You could read the same thing on all of their little forums. What the hell could be a security risk on an FPS?

      Dust 514 is care bears with rifles. -_-

    2. according to CCP the risk to security will be 'turned on slowly'. I wont be playing dust but i'll be watching from above. funniest part to me is these bunnies talking about disinfo. no one reads your blog, wanker.

    3. still how do you not get people in your alliance to stop leaking stuff? not good.

    4. agree here. im thinking chat pws and other goodies should be up for grabs too.

  3. LOL they are not EV and they are not ROFL, yet they mention both.

    MAG players, just cannot let it go can they?

  4. is it just me or are the little bunnies just to0 arrogant to have done absolutely squat??? TEST has no skilled pilots and is horrible in pvp? O rly? lets put that to the test shall we?

    1. You do know he said "few" skilled pilots right? I don't play EVE, but I do know that TEST has a lot of SOV. Goons also has the same generalization and have lots of territory.

      This generalization (almost sterotype) was also in MAG. To a lot of people, if you had a large clan, smaller clans don't think of you being very skilled.

    2. u MAG players better get over yourselves. 3 good players cant do anything. keep thinking big=horrible and see where it gets you. SOV > KDR.

    3. Keep in mind, I'm in KEQ, which is actually one of the larger clans, if not the largest and most active clan in MAG's history.

      I'm just going to the mindset of a lot of people who play FPS games, especially MAG and BF3.

  5. EON = pinky and the brain in space!!!

    1. nummies is pinky, grezkev is the brain

    2. pinkies out while i pull the trigger that lodges my bullet in your brain

    3. wait, which one is the tall dumb one again?

    4. Sarah must get wet everytime she mentions Numbz

  6. lolblog

    thx for the laugh

  7. Grez blog has like 3 readers. he is one of them lol.

  8. im confused. so which one is the gnn? i know this one has been around longer. i've never seen the other one.

    1. longstoryshort for blog drama. grez used to work for this blog. they kicked him off i guess and then he started his own with the same name lol. this blog writes for the EV and other one supports EON. they go back and forth.

    2. ^ That is not true at all. I never worked for this website ever, this website posted my old MAG reports on here because I gave them permission to do so. All of this can be proved very easily by looking at my own clan's website...which still has all the original news posts from GNN in MAG. Just compare the post dates, This "blog" usually always had it posted a day or two later than RG's website. I was never "kicked off" from this website as I never wrote FOR this website, I merely stopped writing for GNN in general and they just kind took the namesake....and once the MAG forums died...they claimed they did it all.

      I have never written exclusively for EON....there is not a single article in GNN on Eon except for their supposed announcement. I have focused ALL of GNN's efforts on trying to create a basis for understanding the relationships between clans. I was going to do this for myself so I could more effectively understand their relationships to one another, but I figured if I'm going to do this...why not make it fair use for everyone?

      Still want the proof?'s the links of GNN's old articles from prior to this website ever even having high hit counts:

      Nuff said. Rumors taken care of....unless you believe that I somehow manipulated Enjin's ability to record the date of blog posts.

      ::rolls eyes::

    3. wall of text warning! no one is reading all of that bro. grez u starting to look bad. you post here more than anyone.

    4. "No one is reading all that bro"

      Yea, the people who don't matter. The peons. The idiots. The simpletons. I could care less what those subhuman people think.

    5. Everybody knows Grez was first. If you played MAG you know this to be true

    6. Why was there even news for MAG?

      DUST is the only story that matters. History is just that. His story...

  9. lolgrezkev someone has to read your blog before you can mislead them bro.

  10. Way to backstab faggots. STB > EON anyday allday.

    1. +1 QQ about tanks moar!!

    2. STB sucks and everybody knows it. Two losers with no life to tank spam in pub games doesnt make them good. They used to get rolled in MAG and will get rolled in dust

    3. how dafuq do you know anything about STB terrorscrub? do u even play dust? gtfoh

  11. I lold @ the TEST comment too. even a small alliance would wipe the floor with any of these laughable bunny corps. better watch who u talk about.

  12. pure propaganda are you serious people, this is complete bs. if you were trying to take over new eden wouldnt you try and tear alliance between top tier corps? this blog is a half ass TMz. they have already admitted to "journalistic editing" AKA Insert Lie Here, if you believe in any of this your just as ignorant as the ones who fabricated it.. i hope those who were offended by this "Leaked Info" understand it is but a way to force alliances to fight eachother and take eachother out to make room for the weak.


  13. can u do a live interview wit virgindestroyer7

    1. yeah can you???

    2. if you do this we will never mention her again!

  14. ^yawn. welcome to New Eden.

  15. You say they want to use Grez's GNN as a disinformation tool when the leader of the alliance himself(Numbz) says thats what they arent doing? Do u even read what you post? lol.

    "Grezkev wrote: Can always use GNN in a way as well wrote:

    tbh i wont use GNN to do anything Eon related.
    Conflict of interest having the GNN thing attached to Eon tbh

    ppl are gonna take ur blog just as srs as they take DUSTERS especially if u start doin stories and rumors etc on our competitors"

    LOL. Get em next time.

  16. It should be mentioned that the logo this site keeps using for EoN is not actually our logo, they just copied and pasted the EON Magazine logo from EVE.

    People put a lot of time into getting our logo to look good, please use it if u are going to continue to write stories on us.

  17. Sounds like Harmon is butthurt.

    1. i read ur stuff since mag grez but you have egg on ur face here.

    2. Maybe, but I like me some eggs.

    3. sounds like ur the butthurt one tbqh


    GNN Posts made October and November, 2010. Older than this website. Rumor dispelled.


    1. well since u say so mr. disinformation. we know how trustworthy you are.

  19. Well that made for an interesting read.

    Funny how often mention of us is in other groups private forums...

    1. IKR totally obsessed!

    2. u guys r like a bad joke. The type of joke u tell ur friends just 2 c the disappointment on their face. which is y a lot of clans mention u. so they can make fun of u.

    3. Keep on laughing, cause everyday I'm ROFLin!

    4. lol every day im... every day im... every day im ROFLin ROFLin....

      lol tellem sam

    5. all that matters is that virgindestroyer7 is in ROFL

  20. About to betray my AllianceOctober 10, 2012 at 7:56 PM

    ROFLin it up is the lamest shit ever heard what a pathetic attempt at false unity. Cant wait till I drop the bomb that I have on ROFL oh and voice recording technology has come a long way dicks. Get ya popcorn ready

    1. ive been waitn chump...

    2. OMG you mean you sat in a TS room and recorded someone else's lame speech? Who gives a shit?

    3. Hey guys I am about to release really critical info about ROFL!!! Ummm I know I got it here somewhere? Umm wait i will be right back with it.......

    4. This is probably just a ROFL troll trying to hype themselves up. Just wait it will probably be something lame like a full alliance meeting or something.

    5. Does the recording have virgindestroyer7 in it? Then I might care.

  21. we cant wait! really.

  22. DUST takes no skill. Just updating y'all.

  23. Funny how it constantly said were ego stroking but this site seems to have one big hardon for us to be post all this i mean 3 articles in a month HMMMMM?

    i smell puppy love in the air mixed with jealousy and envy.... Thanks for the Media boost, laughter over here....QQ LuLz all around

    1. we hold no ill will towards you. we are simply reporting the news. when sources come forward with stories and screenshots from your forum we have no other choice but to take them as fact.

    2. That's not news, FYI. That's tabloid.

      News is when you report on events that occurred, not when you subjectively analyze a group or purposefully release records that people would otherwise want kept secret.

      You're E! News, even Fox has better stories than this blog.

    3. you're blaming us when all we did was provide a vehicle that a source from inside EON took advantage of. Most will call it news. the affected will of course call it tabloid.

    4. That's like saying the National Enquirer doesn't publish tabloid news; only celebrities think that its a tabloid.

      Argument fail.


    lmao @ harmon

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